
A relaxing design system built on accessibility.

Codium Explained

What Is Codium?

Codium is a design system with a snippet based component library nil.js, a project I started a few years ago. The original nil.js project was intended as a proof of concept to show most common design elements could be built without JavaScript and still be accessible.

Why Codium?

Codium is free to use (licensed under creative commons share alike). It is also one of the few design systems that is WSAG AAA compliant. It provides soothing colors and has a component library that uses snippets, it can be easily adapted to any web framework.

Prioritizing Accessibility

When Codium was built the primary thing that was know was that it had to be accessible. Every decision made about Codium has supported this. It is the intend of the Codium design system to meet and, if possible, surpass expectations.

Learn More

If you want to learn more about Codium, please check out the design specification or the component library.